Intro course for Referees.

Intro to Refereeing Course!!! The game needs referees both locally and nationally. We have seen a drop in numbers in the sport, not just players but also as referees. In Norfolk, we've worked with London Society to be able to deliver their course and we want to deliver this at your local club. Youth players, over the age of 14 with headcase, can take part and then help support your club by refereeing the lower age grade games. As a society we want to ensure the games go ahead, we want to be part of providing a good experience to players and growing the game. The main ERRA course is being delivered in November but we wanted to give as many people as we can a taster. As a society we will refund your ERRA course costs on completion of 6 appointed games through the society. In addition to our society refunding the ERRA course we can confirm Norfolk RFU are willing to cover the costs of two people to attend the ERRA course. We have been working on this collaboration for some time and please to be partnering with Norfolk RFU to get more officials into our sport.


Congratulations Ted!


Double Triumph for WRFC Youth Players