Terms & Conditions

Wymondham Rugby Club Colour Run 2025 Terms & Conditions

In order  to participate in the Wymondham Rugby Colour Run 2025, you must understand and accept the following terms and conditions and sign to confirm you have read and understood upon collection of your participant wristbands. Your acceptance will extend to yourself and all members of your party for whom you booked tickets. (your “Party").

  1. I am aged 18 years or above and wish to take part in the Wymondham Rugby Colour Run 2025 and I am the parent/legal guardian of the registered child(ren) under the age of 18 in my Party. I wish for these child(ren) to participate in the Wymondham Rugby Colour Run 2025 on 27th April 2025.

  2. I agree that my Party will participate in the Wymondham Rugby Colour Run 2025 in accordance with the specific safety rules clearly explained by event organisers at the beginning of the challenge. 

  3. I agree any participant in my Party under the age of 14 will be supervised at all times by an adult who is to remain on site during the event.

  4. I understand that participating in the Wymondham Rugby Colour Run 2025 is a potentially hazardous activity where coloured powder will be thrown at and around my Party during the event. However, I understand that the powder is not harmful to people, animals or plant life.

  5. I agree that my Party will wear any safety equipment outlined in these Terms and Conditions. In accordance with the safety instructions and risk assessment, all participants must wear appropriate footwear for running and protective eyewear which can include sunglasses, goggles, or prescription eyewear. I agree to provide a t-shirt (preferably white). These are also available with event branding to pre-purchase on the ticketing site or at the event.

  6. Participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behaviour at all times and must always follow the instructions that are given to them. They must show respect towards the others taking part, rugby club staff, equipment and facilities and not misuse these in any way. 

  7. I confirm that my Party are in good physical condition and have no medical impairments that may prevent them from participating in the activity. If I have any concerns about their physical condition, I will consult my doctor before participating in the activity.

  8. I acknowledge that participation in the activity may be physically demanding and that there are risks of injury to my Party.

  9. I hereby indemnify Wymondham Community Rugby Trust (WCRT) against all claims made by any other person against WCRTin respect of any injury, loss or damage arising out of or in connection with my Party’s failure to comply with the safety instructions and/or directions given by the event organisers.

  10. I acknowledge that I have read, fully understood and agree with all of the above prior to accepting below and my acceptance extends to myself and all members of my Party for whom I booked tickets.

Upon collection of wristbands at the event, all ticket bookers will be required to sign our register to confirm understanding and acceptance of the Wymondham Rugby Colour Run 2025 terms & conditions on behalf of themselves and all participants on their booking.

Colour Run FAQ’s

Who can participate?

Entry is open to all

We particularly want to encourage club members, local primary schools and members of the local community.

Children need to be of school age (ie 4 as at 1/9/2024).

Do children have to be accompanied?

There is no requirement for children to be accompanied during the run but this is

encouraged for younger ones at their Parent/Carer’s discretion.

Parents/carers of children under the age of 14 MUST remain on site throughout the event.

What is the timing of the event?

The event will start immediately after mini/youth training which will finish a little earlier than normal at 11:15. There will be a group Warm Up at 11:45 and the event will then start at 12 noon. We anticipate the event will finish by 3pm but the site will remain open until 5pm.


Prior to starting everyone will need to register at our Check-In desk where you will need to sign to confirm you have read the Terms and Conditions and will be issued a wrist band. No wrist band, no run!

Registration available 10:00 to 11:30

The T&C’s are available from a link on Ticket Tailor and will also be at the Registration Desk.

We encourage Parents and Carers to register during mini/youth training to avoid

congestion immediately before the event starts.

How long is the run?

The course around the perimeter of the pitches is approx 830m. We encourage

participants to challenge themselves to complete 4 circuits thus a 5k run. However this is not prescriptive and runners should take into account their own age and ability when deciding how many loops to complete

What happens on the Colour Run?

Participants follow the marked out route. At various intervals they will run through a “Colour Station” where different coloured powders are thrown in the air around them landing on their clothing, skin and hair. Optionally runners can also divert through a water sprinkler to add to the fun!

Is the Colour Powder Safe?

The powder is made from vegetable corn starch and food-grade colouring.

There is a low risk of eye and skin irritation. We strongly encourage the wearing of glasses – fun coloured sunglasses will be available for purchase on the day. There is also a low risk of breathing issues if inhaled in quantities. See attached Data Safety Sheets.

We will have eye and skin cleaning facilities on site in case they are needed.

Does the colour wash out?

Skin and hair can easily be washed clean with normal detergents and shampoos.

The colour powder can stain clothing so we suggest you wear something you don’t mind being colour stained.

In fact we suggest you wear a white T-Shirt and embrace the event by keeping the colour as much as possible afterwards, as a souvenir of the event. You can put it in a plastic bag, take it home and then lay flat and spray with white vinegar. Once dry, iron it to set the colours in!

Will there be any Merchandise?

We will be selling coloured sunglasses and white wristbands and headbands at the event at modest prices.

We are also selling branded T Shirts this year so please pre-purchase on Ticket Tailor to make sure you get one although these will also be available to buy on the day (subject to availability)

Will there be any photographs taken at the event?

Yes. We have an official photographer who will take lots of shots on the day which should result in some amazing colourful images. By participating you agree for you and your children to be in these images. Photos can be downloaded after the event.

Will there be any food to buy on site?

There will be a BBQ on site and an Ice Cream Van.

 Where will the money go from this event

This is being run by volunteers for the Wymondham Rugby Community Trust.

All profits will go directly into the playing side of the rugby club with particular emphasis on the mini and youth sections, especially those who are more involved in volunteering for the event.

ALL participants are encouraged to get their own sponsors either for their Rugby Club group or for their school . Sponsor form templates are available on request.