Player Appearance and Hall of Fame Awards

Today we launch new awards for players who have made a long-term playing contribution to WRFC.

Player Appearance Awards will be given to senior male players who have played 200, 150 or 100 league games and women who have played 100, 75 and 50 league games.  The player must have been registered to play in season 2023/24 and as GMS player appearances were only recently registered, we are having to recreate playing records before that date. 

In addition we are launching the WRFC Hall of Fame.  This will be available to any player who stopped playing for WRFC more than 5 years ago, who played for any senior team at the Club and who based on our best analysis played senior rugby for no less than 10 years.  In addition the player will have made a wider contribution to the Club.  The player is or has:

  1. been captain of a senior side;

  2. been on a Committee or the Board;

  3. been a lead organiser, or repeat volunteer for, social events;

  4. been a coach or administrator within any section of the Club; 

  5. undertaken, or paid for, a significant amount of to work at either Tuttles Lane or Barnard Fields (eg works to the clubhouse, car park, building works in the grounds, etc).

Nominated former players will be considered by a committee led by me which includes individuals who have a long-term understanding of player playing records.  The decision of the committee will be final.

Any player who receives an award will receive a limited edition lapel pin or similar and their name will appear on dedicated boards which will be displayed around the Club.

Awards will be made at a dedicated lunch or the end of season player awards.

Can you send nominations for the Hall of Fame awards to me: